From the salon’s perspective, if this payment is received in advance, then it will be recorded as deferred income during 3 years. For instance, the business has delivered goods to the customers on March 20th. So, the revenue needs to be recorded on 20th March because risk and rewards have been transferred on this date.… Continue reading Realization principle definition
Month: October 2022
Выращивание салата на огороде, в теплице и дома Дорога к Бизнесу за Компьютером
Content Ромэн или римский салат Как вырастить салат в открытом грунте Выращивание семян и уход за салатом Набор для выращивания “Моя микрозелень” Базилик Подготовка к посеву салата Для этого следует подготовить контейнеры с землей и сеять семенной материал раз в две недели. Лучший выбор для начала — листовые сорта салата, например, кресс-салат. За ними легко ухаживать,… Continue reading Выращивание салата на огороде, в теплице и дома Дорога к Бизнесу за Компьютером
How Healthcare Chatbots are Transforming the Medical Industry
Patients can now take charge of their health with the help of health education chatbots. These digital assistants provide educational information about health conditions, treatments, and lifestyle modifications, promoting self-care and patient empowerment. Utilizing NLP and AI, these chatbots can answer patients’ questions and provide personalized recommendations for managing their health. The ability to accurately… Continue reading How Healthcare Chatbots are Transforming the Medical Industry